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Creative Team

Charlie McCarron

Sound Engineering and Design


Charlie McCarron – Sound Engineering and Design

Charlie is a self-taught music producer and filmmaker working in the Twin Cities. He has sound designed two feature-length films: The Telephone Game (2011) and Connected (2012).

Charlie McCarron grew up with one hand on a video camera and the other on a piano. His two hobbies of music and film have become not only his primary source of income but also his favorite way to create art. Among his more ambitious personal projects is a triple-disc story album entitled The Mystery of Grey Matters, in which disc one and disc two are combined on disc three for a psychological trip into a schizophrenic child’s mind.

Charlie graduated with departmental distinction in music composition from the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University. After graduation, he spent nine months volunteer teaching at a monastery in Tanzania.

For more about Charlie’s work visit: